Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Best Day of My Whole Life

At Ocean Isle Beach, NC the week of July 4th my father and I rolled out his old fishing boat. It's about 13 feet long and has been in the family since I was a teenager. That makes it, ummm, something more than 20 years old.
It has a smoking motor, a crack in the inside hull lining, and a plywood motor-mount. She's a good little craft with "men" and "ladies" stickers on either side of the stern, but honestly she's seen better days.
But with The Younger Sister and the Brother on board, you would have thought we were on the QE II. They loved the boat ride down the intracosatal waterway and they didn't even notice the big luxury fishing and ski boats flying by and leaving us bobbing in their wake.
Kids are that way.
They don't seem concerned with the things upon which we grown ups fixate. A simple boat, a beautiful sunny day, people you love, and the salt and sand there for the enjoyment. It was all about the thrill of being on the water with their dad and their "pa" and the possibility of catching fish for dinner.
It was in the midst of learning how to cast her rod that the Younger Sister taught me a thing or two about life. She looked up at me with those big browns and said, "Dad, this is the best day of my whole life."
We didn't catch any fish big enough for dinner, but I got the message from God. For one moment in time I was without doubt that I have netted the best catch in life in that one moment, brilliant and shining and radiant.
I believe and pray that all three of my kids will have more "best day of my whole life" type days, but I sure hope the Youngest Sister always remembers this one. I know I will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

baba ram dass

reminds me of the saw
"If you can't be with the one you love,
love the one you're with."

I, too, hope that your brown-eyed keeps the memory of that day, and supplements it with many others when she will know--for sure--that she is alive, and that that is good.
