Friday, July 27, 2007

All that Junk in my Trunk

I have to rant. I seldom do this, so grant me this one moment.

I publicly criticize stores like Lifeway because they market so many Christian trinkets. I thought/hoped that some of the postmodern/emergent Christians might be feeling the same way, sick and tired of the crap that marketers try to pawn off on us in the name of Jesus.

Check that ideal at the door, though. I just leafed through the latest issue of Relevant magazine, a publication I’ve enjoyed in times past. Maybe the magazine has always been like this, but for some reason this week it really struck me how commercial and “hip” the Christian faith is presented on those glossy full-bleed pages.

The issue is more ads than content and the content that’s there is poor. Most of the writing is so overwrought as to be exhausting and the 20-something expression of Christianity on the pieces seems a lot of fluff, not to mention more than a little pretentious – and a little bit of that goes a long way. Even the interview with Anne Lamott was disappointing (sorry, Anne, love your books – love it, love it, love it – but you came off flip and scattered).

And then there are the products being advertised. The message on the products is anti-consumerism, pro-orphans, live like Jesus, and so forth. All good ideas, but still I’m being asked to buy CD’s, t-shirts, attend music festivals, and buy Christian-designed art and blue jeans. The product and advertising contradict the message. Someone is profiting from competing interests and the suffering of orphans ought not be putting funds in somebody’s pocket.

I believe in Christianity being relevant. Connecting Christ to culture is good. Helping Christians see Christ in culture is great. No problem there at all, but it seems to me that Relevant has missed the point that relevance is not a tool, a raison d’etre, or a goal. Sorry to the gang at Relevant, I don’t see any difference between you and your publishing predecessors from modernity.

In all fairness to the gang there, there may not be a postmodern philosophy in your goal to be relevant, so I tread carefully in my waters of assumption. Plainly, there is no deconstruction of faith, just a slick new way of pushing the same products as those who brought us CCM and all that Jesus junk.

Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk down in my trunk?

See, I’m relevant.

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